We are told by the media and our culture today that abortion is a woman’s issue and men should stay out of the debate. After all, abortion on demand empowers women, gives them options to navigate a “man’s world,” and allows them to throw off the shackles of an unwanted pregnancy. At least that’s what abortion supporters tell us…
Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. As I explain in my book Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women, legalized abortion was first promoted and propagated by men for the purpose of controlling and oppressing women. Women were only pulled into the effort to legalize abortion once men realized it would expedite the process.
Most people cringe when they hear that truth. But the facts speak for themselves. Abortion was first legalized in an effort to curb population growth, eliminate “substandard” races (known as eugenics), and give men a “get out of jail free card” to use if and when they got a woman pregnant and weren’t prepared for fatherhood. (This is all laid out in the first four chapters of my book.)
Now it’s been 43 years since abortion was legalized in America, and we can clearly see that the intended results have been achieved. Approximately fifty-seven million citizens are missing from our society. According to the latest Abortion Surveillance report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the 10 states in which the most abortions were performed during 2011, approximately 60 percent of all aborted babies were black or Hispanic.
A very troubling trend is the latest string of cases in which men forced women to unwittingly take abortion-inducing drugs. Most recently, Jarod Rebuck, a 25-year-old Indiana man, was charged with attempted feticide after secretly mixing abortion-inducing herbs into his pregnant girlfriend’s drink. This story followed on the heels of a similar case in Florida, where John Welden, 29, tricked his girlfriend into taking an abortion pill by telling her it was an antibiotic. An even more extreme case took place in Las Vegas, where a 21-year-old man reportedly provided the weapon and arranged to have his girlfriend shot in the head because she refused to take the morning-after pill.
The fact is, most Americans will never hear the reality of these stories because the media will attempt to sweep such disturbing strides toward “progression” under the rug. And truth be told, recently enacted laws will only enable further acts of violence against pregnant women.
In April 2013, a New York federal judge ruled that a woman of any age should be allowed to purchase the carcinogen-laden Plan B abortion pill without parental consent or other restrictions. Indeed, the morning-after pill, a high-potency birth control pill that can induce a spontaneous abortion at the earliest stages of pregnancy, can be bought in any drugstore right next to the candy and soda aisles.
So what does this law have to do with men and their oppression of women? Virtually everything.
What abortion on demand did for boyfriends and husbands, the unrestricted availability of the morning-after pill now does for sexual predators and abusers, allowing them to walk away from their crimes scot-free.
Just imagine an adult male predator who sexually molests a 14-year-old girl. Without any parental consent or physician’s script, the perpetrator can give the girl enough money to go to her local pharmacy and purchase the morning-after pill, no questions asked.
Think about it: a 14-year-old girl isn’t permitted to take an aspirin at school without parental consent, yet she can take an abortifacient — a pill that kills her unborn child and may cause her physical harm — without anyone’s knowledge.
And what about the man involved? He walks away scot-free to abuse again.
The morning-after pill — and all other forms of abortion — is the ultimate liberator of men. They can continue to have sexual relations with multiple women and avoid all responsibility. They can even prey on minors, and, thanks to the convenience of a pill that’s now as accessible as a candy bar, they can walk away without any legal or moral repercussions.
So while abortion supporters celebrate the fact that girls of any age can purchase the morning-after pill, those of us in the real world understand exactly what’s at stake. Unrestricted access to the morning-after pill only exacerbates the male oppression that abortion on demand put into motion in our nation. In essence, this so-called attempt to “liberate women” from the shackles of pregnancy actually places them into a type of bondage where men call the shots and then walk away from sexual abuse unscathed.
Catharine MacKinnon, an influential feminist scholar, summarized the situation best when she wrote: abortion “does not liberate women; it frees male sexual aggression.”
I have a friend who was using the MAP – 3 or 4 times a week for over a year. My question is: what kind of long term health concerns can this prolonged use cause. She has recently been diagnosed with POCD. I would like to be informed or be… Read more »
I used to be pro-choice, and now I’m responsible pro-choice. I now believe in the feminist agenda, at least. I’m iffy on this article, but I do respect it and the opinion.
Thanks for the comment. May I ask what responsible pro-choice means? I’m not familiar with that term.
The morning after pill does not prevent rape or sexual abuse by men. Are you suggesting that the 14-year-old girl has to carry the child of her abuser so that he can be convicted of his crime?
You leave out the fact women are sexual creatures/beings and mistakes happen. Women don’t want to be forced into motherhood and have their choices deemed unimportant. A female deserves the right to make her own choices in life and become whoever she wants without a baby holding her back from… Read more »
Hi Georgia – I fully acknowledge that women are sexual creatures and mistakes happen. And I also fully support both women and men having thousands and thousands of choices in life and love. However I don’t support either man or woman having the choice to kill another innocent human being.… Read more »
I’m a cashier at Target in my last year of working before I retire. I recently have noticed that Plan B was being sold at the register and I’ve had to ring it out and take off a sensor case just like it was an expensive video game, income tax… Read more »
okay i have so many problems with everything that was said here. YOURE A MAN. you dont know whats best for me. 1. a rapist giving a young girl money for the morning after pill is honestly not a bad thing. rape? bad. traumatizing. but you think that little 14… Read more »
Savannah – I am, indeed, a man. However arguments don’t have gender. Abortion is either right or wrong, and someone’s gender has nothing to do with it. 1. What an awful statement. You support the rapist also supporting the willful killing of another human being. Why should the child receive… Read more »
If you don’t want to be a mother, don’t have sex. Is it unreasonable to think of postponing sex until you’re ready to be a mother? Why is your right to abort more important than the life of a baby? I actually don’t mean for that to sound hostile. I… Read more »
Just curious what is the difference between birth control and the planB pill?? What are your thoughts on it?
Riley – I wrote this op ed a few years ago but hopefully it helps with your question –
Thanks for your reply. I think you misunderstand me- my question is not about the pro-life/ pro-choice debate. And I think that you have assumed that my question immediately categorises me as a pro-choice activist who defends toddler murdering ideology. This is not the case. My question is thus: Is… Read more »
I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question. You may be interested in a book I wrote a couple of years ago: http://www.abortionexploitswomen.com. It deals extensively with men and abortion. I certainly would agree that far too many men chose to live lifestyles that exploit women. And we can argue that… Read more »
Hi Brian, With reference to the example of a 14 year old girl who is molested- I get the impression that you think that forcing a woman to carry an unwanted child, potentially ruining her future prospects of career/ education/ family and health (consider the difference between a PROVEN SAFE… Read more »
Hi Lynette – ignoring the pain and difficulty of a pregnancy that results from rape and molestation is, of course, unacceptable. And every pro-life person I know wishes to properly care for women who have been through these types of tragic circumstances. Your argument, however common, completely ignores the humanity… Read more »
I don’t understand your logic. Because something is used by violent men against women, no women should be allowed to used this thing for themselves? Many violent husbands bring their wives flowers after an incident. This serves to confuse the wife for a number of years, causing her to stay… Read more »
Hi Elsa – I’m not entirely sure I understand your first point but I’ll attempt to respond to what I think you are saying. If a man commits violence against his wife, that doesn’t mean his choice to abuse her should be legal or condoned. If he rapes her, we… Read more »
it is a crime for School Boys to take steroid drugs, whereas girls taking steroid drugs ( Hormonal Birth Control ) which has a high Cancer risk and additionally is not fool proof as there are significant failure rates ( per the CDC DATA) which lead to crisis pregnancies
Surely, any strategy to take down “legalized abortion on demand” should be to cultivate a culture of reverence for life which resets our perceptions of what are “good” and “evil” behaviors. Within this context, educating children about the biology of sex and its consequences, and about the necessities and demands… Read more »
I’m currently in a pharmacy technician class. Recently, we were studying about certain meds available over the counter vs being available behind the counter. From what information is currently available, Plan B is only available behind the counter. A girl cannot purchase if she is age 17 or under without… Read more »
Thanks very much for the clarification on this. Excellent comments.
Hello Dr.Brian Fisher.I am From Iran.I was graduated in Master of Arts degree in Comparative Education.
Thank you for your Attentions.
sincerely yours
Seriously? I had no idea it is sold over-the-counter and that children had such easy access!! I tell my children abortion is the same as when the Central American Indians (and the Moabites) used to burn their babies up on alters!!! They DO burn babies through some types of abortions–I… Read more »
That morning after pill should immediately be removed from the store shelves and taken off the market! It is lethal to both unborn children and their mothers. It also empowers predators. Furthermore, no cashier, supervisor, or member of management or anyone else should have to sell this evil pill! May… Read more »
Hi Brian. You speak of the legalization of abortion but is abortion really legal? Wasn’t the court’s decision regarding Roe v. Wade a ruling pertinent only to the parties involved in the case? Isn’t the “legalization” of abortion like the “legalization” of same-sex “marriage,” a judge or justice says it’s… Read more »
Hi Lori – the combination of Roe and Doe made abortion legal up to any stage of development on a federal level. So the Supreme Court legalized it. By decided on a specific case, they created that “right” for all women. Thanks!
Exactly right/wrong…. there is no “law” that legalizes abortion, so, unless you adhere to misguided “legal OPINIONS”, then abortion is still illegal, except in the courts. EVERY INDIVIDUAL abortion should be required to come before the court for approval since there is no “law” (if precedent isn’t good enough for… Read more »
I don’t care what it is called, or how the liberal make it up to be. Abortion is still murder regardless of what method is used. This is another way to murder the unborn human child that the woman decided that it was an inconvenience to her .
This also sums up why abortion should never be legal because some very sick twisted men can do what they want to do and get away with it!
Are you giving Margaret Sanger a pass? The dead victims who have not been given a chance to see the light of day had no choice in the matter. The women could choose to stay pure!
By no means. I made some comments regarding Sanger and Planned Parenthood in my last blog piece here: http://onlineforlife.org/blog/the-state-of-the-pro-life-union-responding-to-your-questions/. She was, in my view, a warped, evil influencer who founded an organization of death.
Hi Brian, great article, as usual! My only clarification is, is it certain that the morning after pill is an abortifacient? You wrote it was a “high potency birth control pill” (which is what I’ve always understood it to be) but then wrote that it can cause spontaneous abortion and… Read more »
Hi Ciara – I consider the morning after pill to be an abortifacient. The Lozier Institute did some great research work on this and I highly recommend you check out their paper. https://www.lozierinstitute.org/plan-b-abortifacient-and-other-risks/. They have also done some other work on contraceptives that are worth reviewing. So yes, I am… Read more »