Make Choosing Life Possible:
Share the Love of Christ with the Next Mom Seeking an Abortion

She’s online right now… looking for answers. The next mom seeking an abortion doesn’t want one. But she doesn’t feel like choosing life is an option right now.

She’s facing things like how to pay rent with a dead-end job. She’s conflicted about bringing another child into the world when she’s a single mom struggling to make it as it is. But you can make the challenges preventing her from choosing life disappear. And when you do, you’ll be saving her and her baby from an abortion!


Every 30 seconds a baby's life is taken by abortion.

Save a Child

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Join the movement to save children and families from abortion today. When you sign up, you'll receive breaking updates on the pro-life movement, exclusive insight from Human Coalition President Jeff Bradford, the latest graphics and videos to share with your friends, and most importantly, incredible stories of women who have chosen life for their child. We'll never sell your name – We'll just make sure you stay up-to-date and informed on the latest happenings and victories for the pro-life movement.

Over 28,000 children

Over 28,000 total children have been rescued from abortion.

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Rescued Children

Katiya’s Story

“Katiya’s” Story: From Hopeless to Hopeful Thirteen weeks into an unexpected pregnancy, “Katiya” was seeking......

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Become a Rescue Partner

When you become a Human Coalition Rescue Partner, you have the opportunity to work hand in hand with Human Coalition to reach hurting, abortion-determined women searching for an abortion.

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Life Decision Story

“Laura’s” family was at risk of falling apart.
Her marriage was going through a rough patch. And she had her hands full with their two children. Then, she discovered she was pregnant with another man’s child.

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Continuum of Care: Empowering Mothers with Unexpected Pregnancies

The Continuum of Care program offered by Human Coalition coordinates long-term assistance for moms walking......

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Your Human Connection, Spring 2024

Dear Friend, “Miraya” didn’t want a baby. Her life was already so chaotic. Miraya’s husband......

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