by Chelsey Youman | Feb 2, 2017
Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women, by Human Coalition President Brian E. Fisher, examines men’s role in subjugating women with abortion, challenging men to engage in the pro-life cause. Alongside the book, Human Coalition created an online resource center:...
by Senthil Admin | Oct 5, 2015
Online for Life stands on the side of ALL women around the world… Including the approximately 62,500 girls who will be aborted today worldwide.
by Senthil Admin | Oct 5, 2015
Transparent and insightful. Jeff reveals the last 20 years of his life, and his personal struggles with being a post-abortive dad.
by Senthil Admin | Oct 5, 2015
Douglass understood that the ideas that all human beings were created with equal worth, and that all were endowed by God with the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were indeed saving principles.