Thank You BabyAll of the staff, volunteers, and partners at Human Coalition are celebrating the merriest of Christmases this year.

The 500th baby was just saved from death in the womb!

Just a few months ago, we thought this was an impossible goal.  The abortion-determined parent is one of the hardest people to reach effectively, and they are often hurting in ways few of us can understand.

Yet through the hard work of our affiliate life-affirming organizations, a lot of prayer, the opening of our call center, and some great advances in our Internet work, we celebrate the fact that an entire school full of children will experience sunlight, toys, snow, and the love and joy of living.  And they will celebrate Christmas!

Some of you may not know that the idea for what is now Human Coalition first originated back in 2007.  We wondered back then if it would be possible to rescue babies by reaching abortion-determined people online before they aborted.  Our hope was that we could give the parents the option to connect with their local life-affirming center, where they would receive love, compassion, grace, and truth.

The idea has since blossomed into a national pro-life effort that is revolutionizing the way we fight abortion and rescue families from the pain of abortion.  Abortion-determined parents are often scared, desperate, and misinformed.  When given the opportunity to experience non-judgmental and loving care at a life-affirming center or mobile ultrasound vehicle, they very often pause, receive proper help, and choose life for their child.  Every saved child is a miracle.

On behalf of all of us at HC, I want to thank you for your prayers, financial support, encouraging emails, posts and shares on Facebook, and overall generosity.  I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on just how many families have been spared the pain of abortion and what that means for future generations.

500 babies is the best Christmas gift we could receive this year.  We have much more work to do and a long way to go.  But this Christmas season, we pause to thank God and our community for helping us reach this amazing goal.

And while we rejoice that 500 babies were saved from death, we pause to celebrate the One baby who came to save us and give us Life.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

For Life!

Brian Fisher

President, Human Coalition

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