Summer Ends with New Beginnings

As summer comes to an end, I’ve spent time reflecting on some of the highlights. One in particular is the Bear Creek Bible VBS Day. Dottie Harreld and I had the pleasure of speaking to the 250 students who participated in the week’s activities. One of them was highlighting the outreach ministries that the church supports. We were given the opportunity to share about our mission and vision at Human Coalition, focusing on the gift of life and how much God values each one of us.


The children then made animal “loveys” to be gifted to the children and families we serve. Each child got to choose an animal and assemble a blankie to go with it.

We were amazed at the thoughtful questions these children had (ages kindergarten through 6th grade). One question that stuck with me was, “Do any of the babies die?”

I answered truthfully, saying, “Yes, and that’s why it’s so important that we give the mom hope amidst her very difficult circumstances.”

That day I walked away feeling humbled and grateful for a church that isn’t just teaching a Sanctity of Life message once a year, but supporting our work and taking the time to inform and encourage children to consider how they can stand for life and be involved, even in the simplest way.