So far, 2019 has been marked by substantial and somewhat surprising transparency from the abortion movement. First, New York State passed the Reproductive Health Act, which removed virtually all protections for women and preborn children up until birth.
And New York is the eighth state in the U.S. to legalize abortion until birth.
Just days later, Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam justified permitting abortion until birth AND allowed for infanticide AFTER birth. He publicly stated that this legislation would allow a mother and doctor to decide whether or not to kill a newborn who’d been born alive.
He said:
“If a mother is in labor… the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother.”
Why does the abortion industry think it can now openly celebrate killing both preborn and born children?
We cannot allow the weakest and smallest among us to be slaughtered by the millions here in America.
We can be their voice.
Va. Gov. Northam draws outrage from GOP for defending abortion bill
Jeremiah 1;5. God will have the final word.
The governor of Virginia and those like him who are in support of the abortion industry and this new idea of infanticide are merely putting these little children on the alters of their immoral selfish and irresponsible desires to do whatever they wish without the consequences and responsibilities of their… Read more »
These politicians have sought to play God, in that they legalize killing of the innocent.
Prayers for God to intervene
We have fallen to an incredible new low in this country. We are now allowing states and groups to make their own laws to legally murder. This is such an abomination and incredibly barbaric. These acts are usually done by uncivilized and illiterate people. Now in the United States of… Read more »
I am almost 61 years old and when I was 21 I had an abortion. I have ask GOD to forgive me and it has tormented me all my life what I did. I was 9 weeks along and now aborting a child at anytime much less about to be… Read more »
Please know that you’ve repented to Jesus, He is faithful and just. He forgives you, and you need to forgive yourself.
You’re forgiven. God does not rate sins like humans do. Share your story publicly. It is very powerful!
My Dear Patricia My heart wrenched when I read your comment, Christ died to willing take upon him our sins that we have repented of, to receive peace it is not enough to just believe in Jesus Christ, We must believe him when he says we can be clean if… Read more »
I am right there with you Patricia. I am 40 years of age and I too had an abortion when I was 21. The father of the baby and I were not getting along and thought it would be best at the time. The misery, regret and heartache that decision… Read more »
We the people need to wake up and DO our duty-stand against abortions=killing=murdering of any human beings whether outside or inside womb. Each needs to ask:how active am I, what do I DO to stop that madness? Society is being manipulated into pro-killing that is now justified. Speak against, vote… Read more »
God forgive us, for we know not what we do….his anger we come on us all.
Evil has crept into our society. Where right is wrong and wrong is right and both sides stand and both sides are supported by many. One wonders where taking a life or lives in schools and public places comes from. Maybe it is the disregard for life after conception. We… Read more »
Yes Tom, evil has crept into the hearts of those we never thought would turn in the wrong direction. It is the last days as the bible says, Many hearts will turn cold. They don’t have the strength to resist Satan. They don’t have the Spirit of God and his… Read more »
1/2 of our Nation has no problem it appears. Are they really Americans?
How reminiscent of the Nazi regime. God help us.
This is where parents need to discuss pregnancy with their children and let them know they will never persecute them, while at the same time educating them on prevention. Many girls abort out of fear. This should never happen. Any parent who persecutes or demeans/shames a daughter pregnant out of… Read more »
Absolutely!!! I totally agree with you. God’s Gift of Precious little Infants LOVE.
This country will NEVER be great again as long as we continue to support Planned Parenthood and all it represents. We must pray that things turn around and we start respecting life at every stage.
I think that in all fairness, the babies that survive an abortion should be allowed to decide if the doctors and politicians live or die.
Amen, you told the truth there!
A group or individuals that has no selfworth of themselves will have no regard for other lives or people. In essence, they have sold out to the devil and its minions.
Why is it that once Northam’s ‘Blackface’ hit the News, Infanticide was barely mentioned? That should tell the American People where our country is headed.
Yes, Governor, hopefully some of your family will die of the most terrible death of cancer of the bone. You are have been taken over by Demonic spirit that will eventually destroy you and your wife! Nothing but Cold Bloody Murder if Doctor gets involved, he will have taken an… Read more »
Legalized Murder.
This is out and out murder! Why in this age when so many couples want surrogates or to adopt a baby can these poor unwanted children be put up for adoption. There are many loving homes that would take them in and love them. This governor and anyone else who… Read more »
Amen so true!
Abortion on demand is the ultimate seal of approval for neglecting our personal responsibility for our own actions. How can we justify killing an unborn child because the mother did not accept the results of her own behavior. Women abort for all kinds of reasons that they could have prevented… Read more »
Very True Well Said.
There is a lot to think about here. The last sentence is well said, but “us humans” can’t or “won’t” cooperate with his plans.
The people elect their leaders but judgement starts At the house of God! Where are intercessors and Pastors in Virginua? We are called to pray and fabulous rods of spiritual authority for these times of the wicked and evil rulers leading in disorder allowing murder! Oppressing the poor and those… Read more »
Amen, where are the true Pastors and Christians of our country, we are supposed to be on our knees praying everyday against these murderers of innocent babies?
1. The culture of death (an integral part of modern paganism) is steadily being extrapolated from conception through life (mercy killing) to end of life (euthanasia). Abortion is ‘child sacrifice’ to satisfy the pagan god of ‘human irresponsibility, self-indulgence and selfishness’. Kill the child and a ‘problem’ disappears – or… Read more »
As an MD, Northampton swore the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm”. This is not abortion, this is murder!
Thanks Doctor for standing up for life of a sweet, innocent baby that’s never hurt anyone! But now so called adults want to Kill that person which is going to start more violence. My reason for saying that will be for some nut case man or woman will think if… Read more »
I totally disagree with our governor. Its murder of a poor innocent child. There are o many people in America that want children and can’t have them so rather that abort that child give it to a person who wants a child so badly. This just disgust me. Forget about… Read more »
I totally disagree with our governor too, Amen it’s murder!
Thank you,Brian, for your commitment to bringing knowledge to all. This is outrageous, heartbreaking and to think in America we have such sick minded doctors, of all people, and women who think MURDER is okay. Excuse me, these aren’t doctors, they are butchers and murderers, mothers included and it’s not… Read more »
Thank you, Brian for your thoughtful and informative video. We are living in a culture where people believe they are their own god and can do whatever they want, when they want, without regard for human life. Thank you also for standing up for what you know God wants.
Amen! Let’s continue to stand together.
My husband and I have been trying to have more children for years. It did not happen being lower middle class! I say give families like ours the option to take the babies home!! This country is becoming very scary at what age will I become expendable!
Self absorption will never allow them to give their babies away…only God can change the depravity of mankind.
Praying with all my heart and soul..God help us all and God help the tiniest of Humans please God if I could take all these Babies and raise them as my own and create an army of Gods Angels to rise up against the Great evil in the world today… Read more »
Just Brilliant!!
This is not a woman’s right! This is murder of the innocent, who can’t defend themselves. If a person has gotten themselves into a predicament like this, with all the means of protection available, it’s just not right. We must speak out! This nation will suffer the consequences, even though… Read more »
Total disgrace definitely murder – how can a mother carry a child for 9 months, feel life, see it and destroy it – totally heartless
All lives matter! God said He knew us before He formed us in our mother’s womb! Every life is a gift from God! Abortion is murder! Whether inside the womb or outside the womb! One of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shall not kill”! Should be outlawed and Planned parenthood… Read more »
So! So! Right God’s Commandments. I agree Totally with you. Thanks.
Planned Parenthood is definitely in the business of killing and selling body parts of babies…they should be held accountable for their murderous actions against innocent babies who are actively growing‼️ Only GOD can determine life and death as He is our creator‼️ Planned Parenthood should be immediately closed down across… Read more »
Well Said !! 100%.
Brian, I watch Northam as he spoke the evil heartless act. How do we locally get involved to prevent this infantiside from coming to our state?
Maria – I’m going to be releasing another blog post with 10 ideas of how folks can get involved. It should be out soon – thanks!
Don’t vote Democrat.
Through this Governor out by Citizens wanting to resend their vote. March on the capital, sleep on the steps of the capital. Shut down streets that are around the capital. This governor is not above GODs law, nothing but Cold Bloody Murder! God will punish those that sit ideally by,… Read more »
Thank you Brian for some VERY thought provoking truths. I so wish when my time came(pregnant at 21years), that had I known or been told (I was raised a very devout Catholic), about Crisis Pregnancy Centers, or a Human Coalition and many others to help me and guide me, I… Read more »
Powerful story, Pamala, and thank you for sharing!
I can sympathize with you Pamela. I had a very severe case of hepatitis from a blood transfusion. I got pregnant several months after the disease became under control, but I was far from well. My dr. told me I should not get pregnant for 5 years. I was coerced… Read more »
This is nothing but PURE murder and those that MURDER will get their just deserve!
Brian, thank you for all you and HuCo are doing. But ALL of us are called to do our part. I pray you, and I, will never bow down and give in to the social pressures so rampant today, but to stand up and be counted as one who unwaveringly… Read more »
Amen Greg!
He is also a Dr. Take his license away. He doesn’t deserve it.
This was an excellent presentation. I wish that everyone could hear it.