It’s been an adventurous week for me. This is my busiest travel season, and I’m becoming well acquainted with plane seats once again. My trip to Atlanta to visit an inner city ministry partner was wonderful. Waking up to find bullet holes in the passenger window of our rental car? Not so much. We’ll try a different hotel next time.
I’m now heading back to Dallas after a brief trip to Pennsylvania, where I spoke at a large church in the Philly area. Whenever I have the chance to talk to a large group about the sanctity of life, wonderful people come up to me afterward with words of encouragement, great questions, and, many times, amazing stories.
This time was no different. Several families told me about their heart for children with special needs, some of whom have adopted multiple such children. One woman said she adopts children who are terminally ill. Wow. I also heard stories of families who rejected abortion and chose life for their children despite challenging physical and economic circumstances. And I heard a few stories from men and women who chose abortion. Although they’ve accepted the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, they all acknowledged that the pain of having made that decision stays with them to this day.
One elegant woman came up and asked me about abortion and politics. She spoke with a heavy German accent. She told me she was born in Russia in the early ’40s but was raised in Germany. Though she was a little girl during World War II, she knew the realities of war, fascism, and a government gone mad. Her concern for this upcoming presidential election was pronounced and deep. She kindly asked my opinion of the candidates and how a pro-life Christian should handle such a divisive and bizarre campaign season. I gave her my perspective, but, frankly, she has a far more comprehensive view of government and politics than I do. Plus, she had personal experience during a period of history that we hope never to repeat.
Human Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and the core of our work is reaching abandoned, hurting, single pregnant women who are considering abortion. Our mission is to reach them and bring them into a system of compassionate care so they choose life for their baby and experience a personal transformation. As such, we engage in virtually no politically related work. Additionally, the government has various rules and regulations that restrict how a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization may engage in the political process—something which I think is an awful government overreach and a clear attempt to silence nonprofits. But that topic is for another time.
I’ll make a few points about abortion and its relation to politics. Read them through and then add your thoughts in the comments section of the blog. I’d love to hear from you.
- Too many Christians believe abortion is a political issue. Abortion is not a political issue, and it cannot be solved through political means. Abortion is a spiritual issue, and it must be ended through Christ-followers. Christians constantly wring their hands while they bemoan this elected official or that, wondering why politicians betray preborn children and their families after making pro-life promises during their campaigns.
Seriously? Are we still surprised that politicians lie? Folks, although the Democratic Party clearly espouses and pushes abortion rights, and considers it a key portion of their plank, the Republican Party has a long history of waffling and equivocation concerning pro-life legislation. The Republicans have had opportunities to overturn Roe v. Wade, or at least make great gains in pro-life legislation. Yet they have invariably caved.
Though there have been great gains in pro-life legislation in various states, the federal government remains a pro-death institution intent on supporting Planned Parenthood and using our tax dollars to kill hundreds of thousands of children a year. Good grief, Planned Parenthood got caught selling baby parts last year, and the Feds still didn’t budge! Instead, with brutal regularity they betray our Constitution, the American people, and those they’ve sworn to protect. Republicans have had control of the executive and legislative branches in years past, and we are still killing a million babies a year.
If you are leaning on or hoping the federal government will solve the abortion epidemic—stop it. They won’t. They don’t have the backbone. Pray for them.
- Does this mean individuals should stop engaging in the political process? Of course not. The wonderful pro-life gains made in various states are because courageous men and women engage in the political process.
However, laws follow culture. Politics is not a leading indicator; it is a lagging indicator. If we want to see laws changed, then we must change the culture first. And we change the culture one heart, one mind at a time.
- Abortion can be ended in America in one generation. Roe v. Wade can be overturned, but only after our culture is changed. One sustained push of the Church can finish the job. Who must lead the charge?
Christian men.
Men, we are responsible for the legalization of abortion in America. We are responsible for its persistence. We are responsible for 60 million dead babies and the destruction of the family. And, men, we have the power to stop this silent holocaust.
I wrote a book a few years ago called Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women. The book was hard for me to write, and it’s not easy for people to read.
If you are a man reading this post, I want you to buy the book. And I assure you that 100% of the proceeds will go to Human Coalition to help save babies and families from abortion. I have no book deal and receive no financial compensation for any book sales.
Men, you need to read this book. Get educated and get engaged. Stand in the gap. Protect our children; protect women. Protect our country. It’s time to step up and be the warrior God made you to be.
Ladies, I also want you to buy the book, read it, and then give it to the men in your life. The millions of women who trumpet abortion as a woman’s right are touting their own demise. You need to learn about America’s abortion history—you need to see how your gender has been trampled on, lied to, and exploited. You need to get angry and then get involved. And you need to partner with men to end America’s worst tragedy.
Concerned about this election? Me too. However, regardless of the conduct of our government, we are going to keep on rescuing children and families from abortion. And we will do so with passion, commitment, and—because of God’s grace—increasing success. Though politicians will continue to betray us, we will not betray the American family. We will not betray our Savior.
So let’s commit together to stop complaining about politics and corrupt politicians. Let’s come together, link arms, and change our culture, one heart at a time.
Hudson Taylor, a famous missionary to China in the 19th century, said there are three stages to every work of God: Impossible, Difficult, Done.
Let’s get it done.
Thanks Brian. My passion is for the guys. One thing I always say is, “If we can solve the guy problem, we’ve pretty much solved the girl problem.” We need to educate and reach the young men. That will change the culture. Change a Heart. Change a Mind. Change a… Read more »
Abortion is an extra-ordinary great evil and must be seen as such by political leaders and their subjects, the rulers and the ruled, all proffesions and all peoples. What seems to be fanning the flame of abortion is the love for easy life and the great selfishness of homo sapiens.… Read more »
Yes let us Abolish Human Abortion by going out to the actual high places and showing people what they are doing in there, let’s do ministry to the lost and hopeless going in there to.murder there children and let’s shed light on the evil of our day by not being… Read more »
So inspirational. Thankyou.
How can I help end abortion?
Thank you, a wonderful statement. It really makes me angry when men say, women have the right to choose, women don’t always know what they are choosing. Many women who have abortions are children themselves and it is up to their families, especially their dads to help them see the… Read more »
I vote for prolife candidates I am a one issue voter. Change hearts along with politician politicians that are for death and make getting an abortion easy.
I have a question or two. !. How often do poor women, who we are told have no other place to go for health care, go to a Planned Parenthood ‘clinic’ for pre-natal care? And would she be given an ultra sound like other clinics do to show her the… Read more »
God bless you for being a true crusader for the lives of all of God’s miracles.
May all that read this be ispired to become a part of ending the murder of our precious little ones.
I may indeed buy this book. I have long understood abortion as the swing of the pendulum that has thrust women into an elite and Godlike position of having the last and the only say on life. It is a pinnacle of all the hard work of the women’s movement… Read more »
GOD BLESS YOU, MR. FISHER!!! It is time we STOP being silent about the issue of abortion!!! When is the last time we waited for someone else to do work for us? How’d that work out??? The ‘someone else’ almost never shows up and we end up doing it ourselves… Read more »
Right on Lindsey – time to get moving!
Dear Brian, Do you have a good answer for how to definitively change our American culture? Until we make abortion unthinkable to a significant majority of Americans, we aren’t going to end it. My answer is that we have to shift the debate from “abortion” to “killing”. Pro-life folks oppose… Read more »
Robert – there is no question that “abortion” is a sanitized word designed to deflect attention from more appropriate terms such as “killing” or “murder.” However most people do understand that abortion is the killing of a human being. Most of the thousands of women we see in our pro-life… Read more »
Thank you for your work related to informing people of the horrors of abortion. Forty years ago I ended the life of my son, named Josiah Blue, by abortion. I have never forgotten him and the pain of what I have done will never leave me. “That one was a… Read more »
Thank you Roe. I hope your story encourages women and men to choose life. Too many experience your pain!
Bless you and your crew.
We must pray for spiritually blinded people to come to the realization that human depravity is the root cause for abortion . Only Jesus Christ can change corrupt hearts . Christians must start repenting of selfishness and listen for our Holy Spirit to direct our actions. I pray God will… Read more »
Amen and amen. Let’s be people of prayer!
Brian, thank you for sounding the charge in this critical area. Christian men have been passive far too long, about abortion and other issues. I accept your challenge to become involved and make a difference.
Awesome Bo – great to have you on this team of warriors!
Brian, God bless you for what you do. I am also an author. I do not write about abortions. I have been a leader in the Pro-Life Ministry in Utah for several years and I am appalled that so many of my Catholic brothers and sisters are brain dead when… Read more »
I want you to know that I for one am on your side. God is still on the throne and we need to use our privilege to call on His name until we see victory! Keep up the great work,we are praying with you.
Thanks Cecil!
I agree with all you publish, although I suggest to enhance your remarks saying that abortion is also a human topic: not only spiritual. Hypocrates (the ancient greek doctor b.C.) made his pupils fulfill an oar: not to make abortions.
Courage and up with life,
Juan I. Gómez de Segura
I have been saying this for years! In fact, I like to confuse my Christian friends by telling them that I am pro-choice. After a few seconds of stunned silence, I add that I am also anti-abortion. Abortion is always the wrong choice, even the ones involving rape or incest.… Read more »
Thank God there are men and women like you fighting for the unborn babies, my prayers are with you and all those who are on Gods side, not always easy in this day but we are winning.
Amen, and we are winning, Phyllis!
My son and I were having this conversation today about abortion and gay rights. We both see the futility of trying to legislate morality. My son actually said to me that we Christians need to step out and reach those engaged in these sins one person at a time by… Read more »
Susan – interesting conversation! Though I am not saying we should ignore the legislative process. The primary purpose of laws is to legislate morality, whether it be road signs or preventing rape. So we should aggressively be defending the right to life and biblical marriage and demand just laws. However,… Read more »
Excellent, spot on. Keep up the good work!
Brian, Amen to your post and the wonderful mission of the Human Coalition. I’ve come under fire (mildly) by loved ones for stating that social issues such as abortion shouldn’t be the focus of politicians. Regardless of whether abortion remains legal, the trend of public opinion and action has been… Read more »
Amen, Joe. And, to the extent we have influence, we must encourage churches to promote a biblical sexual ethic. 85% of abortions are performed on single moms, so returning to a culture that promotes sex in marriage and the proper role of a father is paramount to our success. And… Read more »
May God Bless and Keep you. You are doing a great work.
A courageous path to a resolution.
Excellent essay! This is truly a spiritual problem requiring change of hearts.
I commend and thank you for all you have and are doing to save and protect these precious babies that are being murdered. It breaks my heart to see what this world has come to. I stand with you in this fight to honor God and protecting the children. I… Read more »
Thanks Audrey, and I appreciate your prayers, as does our entire staff!
Thank you so much for your inspired and inspiring approach in this article. I have prayed and cried rivers of tears over this issue, and particularly over the Planned Parenthood aspect of it. Tax dollars funding PP are forcing everyone to be complicit in the murder of preborn children. It… Read more »
Indeed, Marilyn, Planned Parenthood’s $1.2 Billion dollar budget is half funded by us!!
As a young high schooler, I felt time running out. All my guy friends where talking about the great intimacies they were involved in. Only by listening in and “lying” to fit in did I not betray my virginity at 17. Without a father figure and no religious training, the… Read more »
Dear Mr. Fisher, Men are not responsible for abortion being legalized in the United States. What an outrageous and ridiculous accusation! The politicians and lawyers who introduced this legislation in the courts and the insane judges who ruled for the so called right to choose are directly responsible for the… Read more »
Thank you for speaking the truth! ♡
For me it is not political, it is not spiritual only, of course God gave us His 10 Commandments You Shall not kill, but also it is human and as a woman, my heart bleeds with this kind of horrors they are doing with children of God. And that is… Read more »
Brian, Hear, hear! I absolutely agree that at some point we as Christians have GOT to stop being “nice” and GET ANGRY about this abomination! There is nothing wrong with righteous anger. And get INVOLVED! Write your elected officials and make your thoughts known. Make your expectation that he/she will… Read more »
I have been financially supporting Care Net. They are growing all over western WA. They are a Christian Organization. They save babies and souls. They talk in schools that will allow them. This is the most unchurched state in the Union. Care Nets are popping up all over. Our church… Read more »
Mary – CareNet is a great organization – thanks for supporting them! And thanks for doing such wonderful work.
I totally agree! Men must accept responsibility and thereby take back the authority on this and other issues. Abortion isn’t a woman’s issue, it’s a human issue.
Thank you so much. A couple of things I like to share. I worked in a major hospital in south CA in the dep. where I had to set up surgecle trays. One was a abortion tray. I did not want to do that. So I went to my supervisor… Read more »
May God Bless you and your work! You are truly a warrior for the silent voices of babies in the womb!!
Thanks Condi, for the kind words!
The big picture is that the hearts need to change from I can have sex without consequences, whether as married or not. It may take a great catastrophe, larger than nine eleven to bring people to the end of themselves, and turn to God for how to best live in… Read more »
Yes, Thomas, I think repentance is the beginning of any true cultural change. Let’s hope it doesn’t take some terrorist attack to get our attention. 60 million dead babies should certainly be enough!
Beautifully written and so true, the culture needs to change and one heart, one mind at a time. Thanks for your tireless support and love for the most innocent of creation. May God continue to bless you and your work!
Thank you Brian for your labor of love in the work you do to protect the unborn. As I sit here in my home and read your article I remember the countless times I was able to picket planned parenthood and hospitals that performed abortions. I was even heavily involved… Read more »
Great comments, Victoria. I think Christians who vote pro-abortion are ignorant of Scripture and deceived by our culture. Much work to be done!
As a Catholic I cringe everytime I hear Tim Kaine say he is “Catholic” but he is pro-choice. Sorry but he did not pay very good attention when he was taught his Faith. Faithful Catholics know abortion is not an option. Thou shall not kill is one of the Ten… Read more »
“If a man loses his reverence for any part of life,
he will lose his reverence for all of life.”
– Albert Schweitzer
I am trying to be a prayer warrior for this cause. It is so difficult for me to imagine that one baby has been killed much less 60 million. You are right that we have let this happen. Our churches have been silent up until now and people’s minds are… Read more »
Cindy – download our prayer app if you haven’t already done so. We’d love to have you on our national prayer team!
Jesus said: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them.” How can the children come to him if we execute them without mercy before they have had a chance to see the light of day? May the Lord continue to bless your sacred ministry. Your work is… Read more »
Brian, you are right on target with those comments. Abortion ends when the demand for it ends, when no woman shows up anymore at the abortuaries. To do this does indeed require a cultural transformation, which requires a spiritual conversion, one soul at a time. And THAT requires prayer and… Read more »
Excellent comments, David – thank you.
Brian, I appreciate your insights, but wonder if your conclusion might be a bit shortsighted with regard to what you seem to be labeling “politics.” While it should be obvious to committed and spiritually enlightened followers of Christ that God is the ultimate answer—it’s also true, as you indicated, that… Read more »
Stacy – hopefully I did not miscommunicate my message. I said that Christians must be politically involved. Every Christian should vote every time and vote pro-life every time. However, Christians should not expect the government to end grievous social injustices that it created until the culture is transformed first, and… Read more »
I couldn’t agree with you more Brian: God bless you
That has to be related to the abomination that maketh desolate…to destroy our future people that or any other way….but that makes the murderers the most heinous of all times! I want no part of it….and if the must let them face hellfire and damnation for it…..but do not allow… Read more »
God bless you and everybody involved in helping to save our babies and our families! You are so right: it really is all about having to change our culture~ and not about being ‘politically correct, but being all about moving our society away from the ruination of the culture of… Read more »