Estimated Read Time: 5-6 minutes
Believers know that abortion is a spiritual battle and that prayer is paramount in our efforts. We cannot end abortion without prayer. After all, our struggle is not against flesh and blood.
But I think we all have the temptation at times to believe that because we are praying, there is nothing more we need to actually do to bring about an end to the abortion genocide. It’s ironic, isn’t it? In a time of natural disaster, we indeed pray. But we also mobilize large-scale rescue efforts to save those caught in the disaster. Why don’t we mobilize to rescue preborn children?
God gifted us with many talents, resources, and abilities. Shunning our gifts that could be used to rescue our preborn brothers and sisters is to behave like the wicked servant who buried his talent in the sand (Matthew 25). He was rebuked for his inaction.
Something I often hear in regard to ending abortion is this:
We need to preach Jesus. These women just need to accept Christ, and their babies will be saved.
We do need to preach Jesus. But if that were all that’s required to end abortion, then the abortion rate inside the Church would be 0. Instead, one-third of your congregation has had an abortion. We don’t become perfect when we accept Jesus, and plenty of Christians abort their children. If your church isn’t teaching people the pro-life worldview and providing access to real, life-affirming solutions, then women in your church will still get an abortion.
I mentioned that abortion is primarily a spiritual issue, so can’t we just pray about it?
The Christian faith is marked by prayer and other tangible actions. Therefore, we don’t just pray for people who need Jesus; we evangelize. We don’t just pray for people who are hungry; we feed them. We don’t just pray for people in marital trouble; we provide marital counseling.
Untold Christians have been praying for the end of abortion for decades. And yet we are still killing roughly 3,000 preborn children in America every day. We must confront that reality. We must pray for God’s help. We must pray for churches, for families, and for our culture. However, God often answers our prayers through the tangible efforts of His Church. God normally works through the mundane, the normal, the average.
He works through us.
I don’t think abortion continues for lack of praying. It continues because of our lack of tangible action.
Just look at how we invest our charitable dollars. Americans gave away over $390 billion in 2017. And they gave around $700 million of that to all pro-life efforts combined during that same year. So Americans spent 0.17% of their charitable dollars to end the leading cause of death in America. In other words, what we spend to rescue preborn children doesn’t even register in the American conscience.
When I speak at churches and conferences, people often come up and say to me, “I’ll pray about how to get involved.” I confess that I sometimes wince when this happens, because I know our tendency to offer to pray can so often be an excuse for inaction. We feel like we’ve ticked a box if we just pray. In the meantime, God has already answered our prayer – by calling us to action.
If you knew that 3,000 toddlers were being killed every day in America, how much time would you spend praying, and how much time would you spend working to end the killing? What exactly do we have to pray about?
It’s interesting that several of the biblical references about bringing justice to victims of oppression don’t mention prayer. Proverbs 24:11-12 comes to mind. It’s a command with urgency and immediacy. I get the sense the writer is saying, “Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go rescue. You already know the answer to your prayer.” Amos 5:21-24 also comes to mind. God is disgusted with Israel’s worship practices. He seeks justice, and justice requires action.
I’ve been a Christian most of my life. I understand and value the power of prayer, and I pray regularly for the end of abortion. But if just a fraction of Christians and churches would become deeply engaged in the action of ending abortion, we’d realize that the answer has been right in front of us all along: our actions. And then our prayers would quickly turn from petitions to thanksgiving.
What about preventing unexpected pregnancies? Shouldn’t we put our time and energy there, instead of expending it on the abortion genocide? After all, we won’t end abortion until people stop having unexpected pregnancies.
It’s certainly true that we won’t end abortion until America returns to a biblical sexual ethic, and the Church must again lead the charge on that effort.
While this rationale is true, it doesn’t absolve us from the moral priority of ending abortion now, regardless of the cultural climate.
Let’s say you’re walking down the street. You see a building with children inside is on fire, and you also see an elementary school that is hosting a fire-safety course. Which situation do you run to? You’d naturally rescue those who are at risk of dying right now. You wouldn’t turn around, head home, and formulate a plan to prevent fires in the future.
I run into well-meaning Christians who are passionate about preventing unexpected pregnancies through education and mentoring. I share their passion. However, engaging in prevention without also rescuing human beings devalues the 3,000 children who are dying today. It only promotes the false and fatal notion that children in the womb are worth less than the rest of us.
If we truly value the preborn the same as we do the born, then we cannot exclude immediate rescue efforts from our abortion-ending solutions. In fact, moral priority places rescuing children at the very top of our list. Preventing unexpected pregnancies is a key component to ending abortion; however, it is not the only element. We cannot provide education without saving lives at the same time.
Maybe your pastor or priest leads an abortion-ending effort. Or maybe he blesses a church effort to engage deeply in ending the abortion genocide – and that effort is led by you.
As pro-lifers, we cannot allow ourselves and our churches to devalue preborn babies by failing to tangibly act to end the abortion genocide. Part of being a sober-minded believer is being able to discern the culture and prioritize our time and efforts according to God’s Word.
Read the other blog posts in the Abortion and the Church series:
- Part 1: It’s Our Job to End Abortion
- Part 2: Our Calling to End Abortion is Urgent
- Part 3: Is Ending Abortion One of God’s Pressing Moral Priorities?
- Part 4: Want to End Abortion? ACT.
Hi Brian,
A friend and I want to get our church active about stopping abortion, but aren’t sure exactly what to do. Do you have any suggestions? We really want to make a difference!
Hi Jordyn – awesome! It’s great that you are getting involved. I wrote an article a few months ago to give people practical suggestions on how to get involved. Hope this helps:
I learned some time back that if it had been legal back in 1967, I probably would have been aborted. It broke my heart to read on your site that 3,000 babies a day are killed in the US. God strike our hearts to speak out.
My issue right now is with Brian Fisher of Human Coalition. I have left 2 emails previously with no response??? About my God given talents of Christian Songwriting & that I have a song that I have written with a pro-life theme to it that is very heart touching. My… Read more »
I have no money to give,, but I do speak out against it every where I can. I would be willing to take ing a pregnant woman to get her on her feet…I just don’t know how to help.
You are so right. Not only prayer, but prayer plus standing up for the right of the unborn to live, is crucial. Keep up the good work!
Bob and Mallory Boyd, International Evangelists
I don’t want to make excuses but here it goes: We could volunteer at a pregnancy center on weekends because we work during the week. We could side walk council at PP on Saturday but they close when they know we’re coming. We would love our priests to talk about… Read more »
My way of ending abortion is I had T shirts made up with pro life messages on them.
Great idea! Right on!!!
Our family took in a young woman (19) who was planning on having an abortion. She did not have a safe place to stay. She has remained with us – her beautiful baby is now 9 months old – she is learning how to be a good mom and how… Read more »
To Nancy Bramlett- Your action to taking care of this young lady is so admirable. You’ve become a role model for this girl that will help her all through life. Thank you!!
Christians can walk and chew gum at the same time.
They can also pray and help save our babies at the same time.
Constantly share the Pro-Life message while your praying.
Volunteer your time and/or money to pro-life advocacy groups.
I especially help those groups that are reaching our youth:))
It is simple..Abortion is murder.
Liberals and leftist women do not see abortion as murder. They say it is their right to do whatever to their bodies except when they want taxpayers to pay for their abortion.
I think many men support abortion because they don’t want to be stuck with childcare payments that could interfere with their ability to support a family. How can this be addressed?
Both men and women who support abortion do so so they can continue with their irresponsible sexual activities!!!
I have no money but what can I do
It is not abortion that is the wrong word it’s killing why women are willing to kill poor helpless innocent babies is beyond me you should not have allowed it in the 1st place now you’re trying to stop it all over the world I don’t know why they can’t… Read more »
In this day and age there is no excuse (not that there ever was one). We need to change the language. Women have control over choosing to have sex with their bodies. They have a huge plate of birth control options that do not include abortion. In the case of… Read more »
I do agree woleheartedly!!