Determined to make the right decision, “Tasia” chose life for Human Coalition Baby #5,376 — “Candice”!
After a night of poor choices, Tasia knew something was off. Then a home pregnancy test confirmed her greatest fear: she was pregnant.
Already a single mother to her daughter, she now felt backed against a wall.
Tasia went online and frantically searched for abortion help. Instead, she found Human Coalition.
We immediately connected her with one of our life-affirming clinics, and she scheduled an appointment on her first available day off. We shared that abortion services are not provided at our facility, and Tasia still followed through with her appointment. Together, we sifted through her greatest fears, what brought her to this point, and the steps she could take moving forward.
Once Tasia knew we’d be with her for the long haul, she faced her fears and stepped up to the plate for her new daughter, Candice!