
Kacee’s Story

kacees story

“Kacee” came into our Human Coalition Raleigh women’s care clinic to confirm her pregnancy after taking a home pregnancy test. Kacee was in college and determined to finish with a degree. So a baby did not fit in with her dreams for her future career, and she believed abortion was the answer. During her initial visit, Kacee spoke with a our staff about the long-term implications of an abortion, and the possibility of pursuing a career while parenting a child. During the ultrasound, the pregnancy was confirmed and Kacee saw her baby’s tiny heartbeat. Kacee left our clinic still abortion-determined, but she agreed to come in for another ultrasound. During the next scan, Kacee saw her baby moving, waving, and smiling; and she was happy to share with our staff that she’d courageously chosen life for her baby.